Mahavira Yoga Peter Marnocha, MA
'Building Strength, Courage, & Devotion'
About Me & My Offerings:
"My life's Work and Passion is to help individuals create a personal practice that harmonizes Mind, Body, & Spirit."
To be our best Self, we must live a life with meaning and purpose. The caveat is, that for positive transformation to occur, we MUST do the work. I can help with that! Yoga and QiGong is not simply about shaping the physical body using postures (asana & flows); rather, it is a practice that aims to purify and strengthen the body, create energy, calm the mind, refine the breath, balance the mind and body, promote health and brighten the Spirit.
My teaching and offerings are for EVERYONE. I believe that as long as one has an open mind and a willingness to participate, Yoga, QiGong, and personal inquiry are accessible to all. I strive to make a person’s experience rewarding and provide a welcoming and safe environment free from judgment. I have a Master's degree in Education (Curriculum & Instruction), over 550 hours of training in Yoga with extensive teaching experience, Level 1 training in QiGong, and am a certified Spiritual Guide/Companion/Director and a member of Spiritual Directors International (SDI). I offer my services in-person in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area as well as remote consultation and instruction. See bottom of page for class schedule. Namaste
Services & Instruction:
Hatha Yoga
Yin Yoga
Guided Relaxation (Yoga Nidra)
Spiritual Direction/Guidance across all faith traditions and religions
Peter Marnocha, MA
(click on the address above to send an email)
"My definition of a true healer and Spiritual Guide is someone who can meet you where you are, ask you the right questions about where you would like to go, and then guide you on the highest path to becoming the best version of yourself. Peter does all of this with the utmost respect and compassion, skill and humor! Peter is a true humanitarian." ~ Lisa M., CAP
"Peter's is not the first Hatha Yoga class I have taken, but it is definitely one of the more challenging. I say this in a good way, as he always assures us that yoga is not a competitive sport. Rather each participant should response to his/her own body's tolerance for a posture. Although Peter himself is very accomplished, he is not a serious (in demeanor) yogi, so there's always a degree of levity during each class. In short I feel that I get a good workout but have a lot of fun in the process!"
Kathi C., 64 & fit!
“I was very interested in trying YOGA but didn't know where or how to start. I'm so glad I found Peter's class. Peter is very welcoming and has a fabulous understanding of each person's needs. His instruction is very supportive. He encourages people to go at their own pace (takes the fear out of the experience) and to listening to their bodies. I have learned a lot from Peter and am comfortable in his classes. I feel so blessed to have found Peter's class that I've gotten friends to come with me.”
Tracey Z.
“Peter's Hatha class really gets the chi flowing and the core, legs and arms working! The 3 focuses of class - grounding, exhaling fully and relaxing the neck/face have helped me work deeper and relax more. Peter also has a great sense of each student's needs and is very skilled at making adjustments. His classes are very relaxing and my brain feels more organized afterwards. Peter's YinFusion class targets deep tissue, strengthens and reinforces deep breathing. I love the balancing poses! I no longer live in Madison but every chance I get to visit I will make it a point to go to Peter's yoga classes. They are judgment-free, affordable and full of learning. In a town full of great yoga classes, Peter's stands out thanks to his creativity and giving spirit.”
Bryan H., 31, accomplished marathon runner
“I've had the opportunity to attend both Peter's Monday (Hatha) and Thursday (YinFusion) night practices and have found basic similarities between the two yet refreshing differences. For me, Monday night practices seem more physical (taking postures to the "edge" and working there for short periods of time) and interactive. The Thursday practice (unique with background music) seems more meditative and the poses less "edgy" but held longer so the body really melts deeply into the pose. For someone who is relatively inflexible and has been intimidated by the thought of attending a yoga class, I have found Peter's classes to be welcoming, informative, restorative and fun.”